Matt Peplinski

About Author

Self-Help Author and Coach

I struggled with mental health issues every since I was 5 years old. Back then I did nothing but watch  the only cartoon channel that was available back then. The english version of cartoon network. During my entire childhood I did almost nothing but play videogames, watch television, browser the internet or watch porn all day. I almost never did anything productive, which only made my depression stronger.

Things got even worse when I was 13 years old; I experienced my first major panic attacks. It got so bad that at one point an ambulance had to take me home every week.

All that changed when I turned 16 and became obsessed with every form of self-help therapy imaginable. That didn't stop my downfall; I suffered a major psychotic episode in 2009 and became catatonic for over a year.

The road to recovery from then on was excruciating. I was unable to receive proper professional help, forcing me to rely on self-help courses that failed to meet all of my needs, but at least allowed me recover sufficiently to go to college to study psychology.

It was only when I thoroughly researched self-help techniques that I came to understand their scientific basis, allowing me to help myself completely.

I managed to not only alleviate my panic disorder and other mental problems, I also managed to recover from my crippling  addictions to: video games, television, porn and the internet. 

I've since dedicated my life to help other people who suffered from similar issues as I did by providing accessible and evidence based self-help courses on Udemy.


