Lindsay Padilla

About Author

It’s time to meet your teacher.

Hey there,

I’m Dr. Lindsay Padilla,


After years in academia, I stepped into the land of entrepreneurship and found that many of the people selling courses don’t actually know how to teach. My mission is to help entrepreneurs be better teachers.

What I know is that learning how to teach doesn’t come from hiding behind a laptop. It comes from interacting with your students, sharing your wisdom, and being open to feedback.

Which is exactly why I created Build a Better Beta.

This course is here to help more people step into teaching in a way that feels simple and easy to them (no barriers like hours of content creation before launching) and gets high quality results for their students.

Teaching doesn’t have to be hard, but it can be scary to step into it. I’m here to be your guide into the wide world of internet academia so you can serve more people and share your message.

