KG Stiles
About Author
KG STILES, BA, CBT, CBP, LMT is a metaphysician, holistic health educator, licensed massage therapist (Hawaii #6351 and Oregon #2313), certified clinical aromatherapist and consultant providing expert essential oil services since 1980 and founder of the PurePlant Essentials aromatherapy company. Her advice and services have included internationally famous celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, top executives, individuals, entrepreneurs, spa therapists and hospitals. She has assisted with introducing aromatherapy and caring touch into hospital based integrated health care systems. She has trained allopathic and alternative health care professionals, as well as business owners, students and lay people in the use of caring touch and essential oils for health, beauty and healing. She has taught aromatherapy certification programs at hospitals and schools and offered online courses for natural healing and aromatherapy certification since 2005. She has published hundreds of articles, which have appeared in Massage Therapy Journal, Massage Today, Breast Cancer Wellness, Aromatherapy Today (Australia) and NAHA Aromatherapy Journal. Her newest awarding winning book, "The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide,” won a ‘Living Now' Gold Medal Award and was winner of 'Nautilus' and 'Indie Next Generation' book awards. KG lives in Ashland, Oregon and is the NAHA Oregon (South) Director.