John Gottman, Ph.D

About Author

John Gottman, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, where he established “The Love Lab” and conducted much of his award-winning research on couple interaction and treatment. Dr. Gottman has studied marriage, couples, and parent relationships for nearly four decades. He has authored or co-authored over 200 published articles and more than 40 books, including: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, The Relationship Cure, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: The Heart of Parenting, and The Man’s Guide to Women.

World renown for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, Dr. Gottman’s research has earned him numerous national awards, including: Four five-year-long National Institute of Mental Health Research Scientist Awards; The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Distinguished Research Scientist Award; The American Psychological Association Division of Family Psychology Presidential Citation for Outstanding Lifetime Research Contribution; The National Council of Family Relations 1994 Burgess Award for Outstanding Career in Theory and Research.

