Jerry Jay Hunter

About Author

Jerry Jay Hunter is a Job Hunting Coach and owner of Job Hunting University.

Jerry has read all the top job hunting books, talked to the best career coaches and scoured the internet for every job hunting strategy that ever existed. The conclusion, getting a job in 2018 is easier then it has ever been before and the people that actually know how to sell their time are the winners. Everyone who doesn't make at least $70,000 a year is selling their time at a massive discount and there's simply no reason for that.

The secret is bypassing HR, creating a powerful online first impression and applying directly to people who make the final hiring decision. In 2018 it's not about cover letters and resumes, it's about about creating a strong first impression with your LinkedIn profile and personal website, engaging multiple stakeholders using LinkedIn and being professionally persistent through calls, emails and LinkedIn Inmails.

When he's not busy obsessing about anything and everything job hunting, Jerry spends his time rooting for Toronto sports teams, travelling and eating Pho.

