Jennifer Hoffman
About Author
Jennifer is the world’s most accurate intuitive and clear channel, and a unique Energy Savante™ whose clients have long praised her clear, accurate, and highly detailed readings, as well as her highly accurate predictions. While she is a life long intuitive, she was asked to become a spiritual leader and visionary during a visit by Archangel Uriel in October 2003. While she at first declined this request because she wanted to pursue a career in business and technology, she left her corporate career to become a full-time channel, intuitive, and spiritual teacher and has been teaching, writing, and sharing insights and wisdom with a global audience for 17 years.
Jennifer has worked with over 250,000 clients from around the world, providing individual readings, life transforming coaching, and intuitive guidance to help her clients achieve the joy, peace, love, and prosperity they want for themselves. Jennifer has written 8 best selling books, hosts the internet’s most popular radio show and podcast, and is a sought-after speaker and instructor. She has been a leading voice in the spiritual awareness movement since 2004, founded the ‘360 energy congruence’ healing method, and is an iconic leader in the 3D/5D ascension and integration field. You can find out more about her work at