Jeff Walker

About Author

Jeff Walker is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller “Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams.”.

He's also the creator of the Product Launch Formula and his strategies have literally transformed the way stuff is sold online. Along the way he's become one of the top entrepreneurial and marketing trainers in the world. But it didn't start out that way…

When Jeff started his first online business, he was a stay-at-home dad taking care of two small children. The “business” was launched from the baby's changing room – and it started with a free email newsletter sent to 19 people. That was in the Internet Dark Ages of 1996.

After that humble start, Jeff quickly developed an underground process for launching new products and businesses with unprecedented success.

But the success-train was just getting started – once he started teaching his formula to other entrepreneurs, the results were simply breathtaking. Tiny, home-based businesses started doing launches that sold tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars in sales with their launches.

Typical Products

