Fabienne Fredrickson

About Author

Fabienne Fredrickson's passion and purpose is being a catalyst for solo-business owners to make the greatest impact they can while being handsomely rewarded for it. For the past 20+ years, she has been and continues to be, a business mentor to tens of thousands of solo-business owners as founder of Boldheart.com.

The Boldheart Business program she created is based on two decades of her experience and millions of dollars in results. She has created a model that predictably helps you grow your revenues from 5 figures a year (minimum 2K a month) to 6 figures (8-10K a month consistently). Once you reach that level, you are then shown exactly how to leverage that 6-figure business to 7 figures (80K a month or a million+ in revenues), while having you gain your life back.

Fabienne likes to say that she sprinkles self-worth teachings on top of all business teachings, as one would fairy dust. She teaches you to fight self-doubt, become infinitely more confident, believe in yourself, value your unique brilliance, and get out of your comfort zone so you succeed at a much bigger level. All so you can express the fullest, most authentic version of yourself.

The Boldheart Woman program is focused on increasing your feminine boldness, self-worth and focuses on the unapologetic pursuit of pleasure and fulfillment. You can find more details on this at BolheartWoman.com

Fabienne is the author of Embrace Your Magnificence: Get Out of Your Own Way and Live a Richer, Fuller, More Abundant Life, as well as The Leveraged Business: How Overwhelmed 6-Figure Business Owners Reach 7 Figures (and Gain Their Life Back).

