Amber Elizabeth Gray
About Author
Amber Elizabeth Gray, PhD, is a long-time human rights activist and pioneer in the use of Dance Movement Therapy with survivors of trauma, particularly torture, war and human rights abuses. She is an ADTA Outstanding Achievement Award recipient; a recent nominee for The Barbara Chester Human Rights award, and featured expert on torture treatment through Tulane University’s Institute of Traumatology. Amber’s expertise is represented in many published articles, chapters, keynote addresses, professional collaborations and presentations around the world. Amber has provided clinical training on the integration of refugee mental health and torture treatment with creative arts, mindfulness, and body-based therapies to more than 30 programs worldwide. She is the originator of Polyvagal-informed Dance/Movement and Soma-Movement Therapies, developed over 20+ years of immersion in The Polyvagal Theory, and Restorative Movement Psychotherapy, a resiliency-based framework and clinical approach for somatic, mindfulness and dance/movement therapies with refugees and survivors of torture war trauma.