Jean-Gabriel Paquette

About Author

19x Best Selling Instructor 59,000+ Students & Entrepreneur

Hello there! I am an online instructor & business advisor teaching self-development, online business and marketing with video courses. I started selling stuff at a young age and my entrepreneur's spirit stayed with me. I now teach and help people at reaching the next level and moving forward in business since this is what I studied and love!

I need to admit - I'm a workaholic. I work 75+ hours a week building a great future for myself and the world. One of my goal is to help millions of people with my own money and encouraging the youth to strive in life, to aim for a better life and know they can achieve greatness.

Most people quit on their dreams or don't have a plan to reach them, so I do my best to motivate them and show them the path on how to get started and keeping going.

That's who I am. Let's have a great time together!

- Gabriel

