Zaid Ammari

About Author

Zaid is a leading expert on data driven digital marketing; focusing on analytics and actionable insights from data. Founder of PPC Masterminds, an instructor at SEO Optimizers Training Center and an organizer of Los Angeles Google Analytics Free Training MeetUp in Los Angeles, California. He is also a contributor to tech co & bosmol social media blog - he has spoken at multiple conferences and has helped countless people in the digital marketing space.

What qualifications do I have?

Created & presented quarterly analytics reports & data to heads of 3 major multi-million dollar global companies. Wrote actionable recommendations that provided more than 40% increase in sales/customer acquisition & retention.

Created & designed more than 50+ Google Analytics specs to measure web asset performance and digital marketing initiatives with ROI models in mind.

Modeled consumer acquisition funnel from marketing touch points to final conversion.

Built tracking dashboards and wrote impact reports for digital marketing campaigns, website optimizations, community interactions, and game updates using data from web, text, and in-game telemetry.

Designed KPIs and reporting dashboards for customer engagement and sentiment analysis with quantitative text data from channels including customer service tickets, surveys, in-game chat logs, and social media.

Wrote A/B testing proposals, reported results of implementation and recommendations for web experience.

Responsible for data analysis, web analytics, forecasting, cross-channel attribution, dashboards, reporting, trending, ROI optimizations, A/B and multivariate testing, conversion tracking validation, budget allocation.

Managed over 200+ Google Analytics, AdWords, and social media campaigns for small and independent businesses.

Google Certified Professional for over 6 years

Check out some my courses today and let me know what you think! 

