Shivalee Paliwal

About Author

Shivalee Paliwal spent most of her years as a classic type A personality – always on the go, filled with a sense of urgency, and looking for the next thing to tackle. Her lifestyle lacked balance and consequently impacted her health and well-being. Being of Indian descent and having been exposed to yoga growing up, she had a natural affinity to the practice and philosophy. Shivalee describes yoga as her ‘self-healing toolbox’ which allows her to continue to keep up and engage fully with life’s excitement and challenges while also building a strong, healthy, and balanced self. Shivalee holds her certification to teach Kundalini Yoga, has over 10 years of experience teaching classical and contemporary dance, holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, is an honours mathematics major, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and is trained and experienced in adult education.

