Radu Antoniu

About Author

Hello and welcome to my store!

The reason I wrote these courses is because I believe we should be the best we know how to be. By this I mean actually applying what we learn we should be doing.

I recently noticed that this has been my motivation for many years. Once I became aware that something I was doing was wrong, I couldn't do it anymore. I felt a personal responsibility to start doing what I learned was "the right thing to do". This has been immensely rewarding for me because it constantly forced me to grow.

Now all my work is devoted to helping others go through the same process and make the right choices for themselves and our society (what research says are the right choices).

Fitness is just one of the ways I expresses this belief.

I first started lifting weights in high school to impress girls. At that time my main focus was overcoming my socially awkward nature because I wanted to be a part of the cool kids. I thought building a great physique would contribute to that goal.

Earning money was another goal motivated by my early desire to be cool. In my last year of high school I joined a sales company along with my brother where we met two managers who later became our mentors. I spent a year working for them, time in which I adopted their life philosophy. That was the turning point of my life. I changed my motivation from "wanting to be cool" to "achieving goals in the service of others".

I did not achieve success working in that sales company and eventually quit. In search of another big goal that would push me to grow, I refocused on fitness in 2013. One year later after following the advice of Greg O'Gallagher I reached my goal of "looking like Brad Pitt in Fight Club". Later, I followed Greg's example and started my own fitness website.

Fitness was my main focus from 2014 to 2017, when I decided to start creating content about other important topics as well.

Now, a part of my work is talking about how you can achieve your physique goals while also growing in other areas of your life. I believe that fitness should be automated and leave your attention free to be focused on other goals. Health, vitality, and self-fulfillment are the cornerstones to a happy life. But I believe once we are happy with our bodies and health, we should turn our attention towards our education and look for ways to contribute towards the betterment of society. It would be great if we could all "score a victory for humanity" before we die.

