Perumal Koshy

About Author

Perumal Koshy

International Yoga Teacher

Founder of one of the first didactic yoga web channels

Indian born yoga teacher Perumal Koshy is one of Europe and North Africa's leading teachers, for more than 10 years he has instructed classes, seminars and retreats while developing high caliber videos through USA, England, Italy, Spain and Morocco. Yoga Journal Italy Esprit Yoga France and Yoga Magazine Holland frequently publish articles authored by Perumal.

Perumal's teaching career began under his Kung-Fu master during his teens while living in Los Angeles. After 10 years of practicing and instructing martial arts a yoga master guided him into yoga thus began Perumal's journey of inner discovery through this ancient discipline. A journey that has taken him across India, Europe and America, whereby Perumal has been able to capture the essence and benefits of the world's many yoga styles and forms, leading him to develop “Dynamic Progressive Fusion Yoga".

