Lara Adler

About Author

My name is Lara Adler and I’m an Environmental Toxins Expert, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, speaker and educator. I teach and train practitioners within the health & wellness community to better understand the links between environmental chemicals and their impact on disease states - from weight gain and diabetes, to thyroid disease and infertility - so they can better support their clients. My students also include direct-sales consultants who wish to become more articulate about the products they represent, and health enthusiasts who are proactive about their and their family's well being. I am deeply committed to peeling back the curtain and opening up the conversation about environmental toxins to in a way that's informative, accessible, actionable and free from overwhelm. We live in an increasingly toxic world - my aim is to educate, encourage and empower people to make smarter, healthier choices for themselves and their families.

