Jeff Petroff

About Author

Hi, my name is Dr. Jeff Petroff. I'm a doctor, former Lieutenant in the army, a health coach, an advocate of preventative medicine by means of healthy lifestyle. When I went through my studies in medicine school I was appalled at how the entire focus was on curing disease, and nothing about preventing them. We speak about managing disease, which is like trying to put out fires. But we can manage these fires much better if we prevent them ahead of time.

The three pillars of health that I teach and preach are physical activity, healthy eating, and sleeping well. Through these three things we can seriously increase how we enjoy life. The ability to wake up in the morning, take a deep breath of clean fresh air, and walk around as we please is not to be taken for granted. These are gifts that we have been given, and we should take care of ourselves to keep this ability to enjoy life to the fullest.


Come along with my on the journey to find different techniques and methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that you too can enjoy life to the fullest.

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