Daniel Angeloff

About Author

Hi my Name is Daniel!

I´m a passionate Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer and Online Coach with hundreds of happy students.

At the Age of 18 I founded my first business - an "offline" Marketing Agency where we promote product from big brands in shopping malls and on events ...

But after 1 year I realised that the "internet world" offers a much bigger opportunity for building a business ...

In Late 2014 I launched the first regional Online Job Exchange for students - this platform was quite sucessful, but not very profitable. 

In 2015 established my first Digital Marketing Agency , where my team & I help clients to get more Leads and Sales over the Internet.

During this "agency years" my co-founder and I always wanted to create our own product - so after a few tries we started to build ventures in the Ecommerce sector and currently work on our SaaS Business for Onlinebusinesses.

In my courses I want to share my knowledge and my experience from my different ventures and client projects :)

Best Regards,



Hi! Mein Name ist Daniel.
Leidenschaftlicher Entrepreneur, Web Designer und Digital Marketer. 

Ich helfe Kunden dabei sich selbst und Ihre Dienstleistungen/Produkte im Internet besser zu vermarkten!

Sie Anfang Jänner 2015 arbeite ich in meiner eigenen Agentur tunymedia in Tirol. Die Kernbereiche liegen auf Digitalem Marketing.

Des Weiteren bin ich als Berater für digitale Strategien tätig und helfe meine Kunden dabei sich besser zu vermarkten.

Mit meinen eigenen Kurse will ich mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen an andere weitergeben :)

