Caroline Casey

About Author

Caroline Casey is known for her unique art of astro* mythological* political* guiding* meta-storytelling — which is presented in myriad multimedia venues.

For more than 22 years, she has been the weaver of context for The Visionary Activist Show, (on KPFA and KPFK, Pacifica Network). Her show is dedicated to anything we need to know to have a democracy: Critique and Solution, using the astrological frame story that encourages us all to contribute to a Renaissance of reverent Ingenuity.


Caroline began studying astrology as a late teen. She was the kid who got to hang out at a salon presided over by Dr. Andrew Weil, comprised of way cool intellectual political mystics, reading anything the Whole Earth Catalogue recommended including Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, with whom she studied Grail legend and Animal Myths in later years.

Caroline is dedicated to astrology as one of the great meta-languages of antiquity, uniting everything of consequence: Personal and collective change, ritual magic, and esoteric philosophy. She studied at the Astrological Lodge on Baker Street in London, traveling through India, returning to Brown University. She has studied everything useful to astrology: The Grail Legend, Comparative Religion, Sufism, Voudoun, Oriental Theatre, Middle Eastern Dance, Film, Writing — all contributing to a degree in Semiotics, how creation is symbolic.

She’s a rousing and frequent keynote speaker at political, environmental, spiritual, psychological and astrological conferences, as well as an MC at global music and activism festivals — including MC-ing the spoken word stage at the Symbiosis Eclipse Festival in Oregon.

Caroline continues her studies of magic, mythology, literature and social activism all over the world. You can learn more about her at

